Saturday, February 26, 2011


Homesick. Mixed media and collage on paper. 29x41cm.


  1. I particularly like how you combine text with the figure. On your redbubble: "letting go" is wonderful. Nice to see your icon on my blog, :)

  2. Zauberhaft
    Du hast so wunderbare Ideen. Schon Deine Wassernixen haben mir so gut gefallen. das hier mag ich auch sehr.

  3. hello. I have been reading your bio and you certainly have grown up and lived in a number of countries and now you are in Australia-- such a fascinating country to read about. Your collages seem to represent your world experiences.

  4. thank you Jann , Nice to have you around as well !
    und tausend Dank Petra, ich habe ja fast mittlerweile das Gefuehl, dass ich Dich kenne :)
    and thank you Donna , also for reading my bio :) sounds like I have been travelling a lot , but it just feels, like there was never any other way... it just happened ! thank you for your nice words !
