Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Autumn wakes up

Autumn wakes up   Mixed media on paper. 29x41cm. 
The original idea,  has nothing to do with this painting :)... As it often happens. I wonder if I will be EVER able to paint what I actually had in my mind. I wanted a very white very abstract portrait.... Well ...THAT didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow !

I find it difficult in those days to paint when so many people are suffering in Japan... Painting non related themes can seem inappropriate . My thoughts though...are with the people suffering there .


  1. Watched a lot on tv yesterday about Japan . . hard to watch.

    Love this painting! Will you tumble?

  2. I love the look sad!
    is very expressive and I think it might!
    and encouragement! the Japanese every day give us lessons of strength and courage!

  3. hallo michele,
    die traurigkeit in dem ausdruck paßt zu meiner stimmung. ich kann das alles kaum fassen und bin wie gelähmt.
    liebe grüße

  4. Thank you Jann , bicocalors and Petra :)
    the hardest part about what is happening in Japan is, that it just doesn't stop... sooooo many people !
    Petra, ich kann Dich so gut verstehen ... es ist schon ein bisschen so , als waere die Erde und die Zeit stehen geblieben !
